Nonprofit Organizations

About Irreverent Warriors:
Irreverent Warriors events brought over 15,000 military and veterans together at our events worldwide in 2023. Each event brings members of our community out of isolation and offers a unique brand of unconventional therapy. For more information:
Our Mission:
We bring veterans together using humor and camaraderie to improve mental health and prevent veteran suicide.
Our Vision:
Irreverent Warriors will be the force that unites the Veteran community and drives a healthy culture within its members.
Through creative engagements, events, and strong Veteran-based support networks, we will be known as the catalyst for improving the Veteran outlook.
We will be the most effective Veteran community in the United States.
Our Core Values:
1. We focus on the veteran; they are the reason we exist.
2. We create a culture of love and respect where all irreverent warriors are welcome.
3. We operate with honest and transparent communication in all that we do.
4. Our humor is fundamental to facilitating social connections, eliminating isolation, and improving mental health.

The Jacksonville•Onslow Chamber of Commerce has a 70 plus year tradition of doing what’s best for the business community. The Chamber is a volunteer organization of business and professional men and women who have joined together for the purpose of promotion the civic and economic progress of our community.

Mission of the League - The League of Women Voters, (LWVCC), a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.  


Description/Programs- The League of Women Voters of Carteret County is a nonpartisan political organization that has been serving the citizens of Carteret County since 1996 and has been a strong influence both in voter education and advocacy ever since. The LWVCC encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

The League of Women Voters has two separate and distinct roles:

Voters Service/Citizen Education: we present unbiased nonpartisan information about elections, the voting process, and issues. Examples of these programs would be our Voter Registration Drives and our Candidate Forums.

Includes the US Leagues one stop nonpartisan voting and elections website. This website has everything you need to know about voting and elections.

line-height:14.7pt">Action/Advocacy: we are also nonpartisan, but, after study, we use our positions to advocate for or against specific policies in the public interest. Examples of these programs would be public forums on key issues of importance to the community such as environmental issues and access to health care for individuals with mental health illness.

To conduct our voter service and citizen education activities, we use funds from the League of Women Voters Education Fund, which is a 501(c)(3) corporation, a nonprofit educational organization. The League of Women Voters, a membership organization, conducts action and advocacy and is a nonprofit 501(c)(4) corporation.

Your continued support is appreciated by our team of 50+ women and those we help.


We exist to show the Love of Jesus in Big ways by being present in and assisting in the broken spaces of military and community life. 

Martha's Mission Cupboard, Inc. is an emergency food pantry established to provide the needy citizens of Carteret County a temporary supply of nutritious and balanced food at no cost.  Families are referred to us by State, local agencies or area  churches.  Currently we serve 350 families per month. 

As a 501 (C)(3) non-profit corporation, we operate strictly on donations of cash, food or non-food items.  No permanent assistance is received from the State or Federal Government and we are not affiliated with any church or religious organization.  The 15 member Board of Directors is assisted by an average of 50 volunteers who assist in the pick-up and distribution of food, administrative work, fund-raising and other activities. 

Miracles in Motion Performing Arts Centre (MIMPAC) teaches dance to children and adults. We are hoping to give every person a chance to dance without a financial burden. We are extremely passionate about teaching children how to be their best self, and that being their self is enough. Dance teaches self-respect, how to respect others, builds self0esteem and self-worth. We want every dancer that walks in our door to BECOME THEIR OWN MIRACLE IN MOTION

North Carolina Guardian ad Litem (GAL) equips community volunteers to serve abused and neglected children by advocating for their best interests in court. A GAL advocate is a trained community volunteer who is appointed, along with a Guardian ad Litem attorney and staff member, by a district court judge to investigate and determine the needs of abused and neglected children petitioned into the court system by the Department of Social Services. Their role is mandated by North Carolina General Statute 7B-601. The main GAL qualification is having a sincere concern for the well-being of children and a willingness to commit to serving on a child's case until permanence is achieved. Throughout NC the GAL Program seeks to serve the best interests of thoursand of children who find themselves the subjects of court cases by assigning them a GAL volunteer. Our program exists in every county throughout the state, and with the help of more than 5,300 volunteers, we serve more than 18,000 children per year. 

The Big Rock/NCWorks Career Center is dedicated to empowering individuals and strengthening the local workforce. As a comprehensive resource hub, we provide career development services for youth, adults, and dislocated workers, including access to job opportunities, skills training, and career guidance.

Through programs like Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), we assist individuals in achieving their career goals by offering support such as tuition and supplies, On-the-Job Training opportunities, and job placement services.

Committed to enhancing the economic growth of our community, the Big Rock/NCWorks Career Center collaborates with employers, educators, and community partners to match job seekers with meaningful employment while addressing the needs of local businesses.

Visit us to explore employment opportunities, receive resume and interview guidance, or learn more about training programs tailored to your success. Together, we’re building a stronger, more skilled workforce for tomorrow.

Contact us at:

Big Rock/NCWorks Career Center

3813 Arendell Street

Morehead City, NC 28557



The New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce serves to positively cultivate economic stability for the local community by partnering with local businesses to promote and engage its members so they are positioned not only to succeed, but thrive.

The North Carolina Coastal Federation is a member-supported 501(c)3 that focuses on protecting and restoring the North Carolina coast.

Since 1982, the Federation has been in the field restoring miles of coastline; training and educating students, adults, and communities to take actions that result in cleaner coastal waters and advocating for an accessible, healthy, productive coast.

Created to give a united voice to the need for long-term coastal management, the Federation remains a collaborative, grassroots organization at its heart and brings together traditional and nontraditional organizations, government agencies, and businesses in order to achieve what is best for the North Carolina coast and to leave a legacy of clean water for future generations.

The Federation has 16,000 supporters and reaches almost 300,000 people directly each year.

Rotary Club is a service organization promoting Truth, Fairness, Goodwill and Service Above Self

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