Gartman & Associates

Gartman & Associates provides training and follow-on consulting that is customized for the customer's activity.  A variety of teaching methods are employed including the use of videos, workshops, small group discussions and activities, lectures, and case studies using the organization's own processes.

Our approach to quality improvement is based primarily on the teachings of Dr. W. Edwards Deming; however, other approaches are discussed and applied where beneficial.

          We work with customers through the entire total quality transformation process.  We recommend that all training be provided on a just-in-time basis and that the unit's leadership be provided quality philosophy and orientation training prior to training others in the unit.  After obtaining the leadership's commitment,  we proceed with the changes necessary to move toward quality improvement.  If the organization does not have a strategic plan,  we recommend that one be developed.  We  provide  facilitation  to produce a plan that will help the total organization focus on its mission and vision.  We  believe organizations without a clear understanding of their mission and without a shared vision lack the sense of direction and shared commitment to successfully accomplish the quality transformation in a reasonable amount of  time.

The deployment of training within an organization should be from the top down.  All middle managers must receive training in the concepts of quality and may require training in  teamwork  before the transformation can proceed.  The organization to support the quality effort must be established at the time the middle level is trained.  Also, facilitators should be trained at this time so they will be ready to assist the initial process improvement team efforts.

Quality training should then be deployed throughout the organization.  For larger units,  we recommend a train-the-trainer approach for  the introductory and basic training in quality improvement.  However, we  provide multiple introductory and basic courses, if desired.  As a larger population is trained, our role changes from instructing to monitoring the cultural change occurring within the organization and providing advice and assistance to the leadership to assure success. 

The transformation to a total quality organization is a long- term process and we prefer to develop and maintain long term relationships with our customers.  However,  we plan from the beginning to establish a self-sustaining effort where our services  will not be needed within a reasonable time. Nonetheless, many of our customers continue to use our services for strategic planning and just-in-time training for new groups.

We do not provide a course in organizational structures.  During our initial training, we  provide information and assistance in establishing a quality structure within the organization to assist and sustain  the transformation.

 Additionally, we are experienced in process reengineering using process mapping and quality management tools. We provide six sigma training and project management training to those organizations that have moved forward in the quality transformation.


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